Monday, May 12, 2008

Baby Dental Care

My son is nearing his one year birthday now and has four teeth. I take Wednesdays off from work and use that opportunity to take my son to a Park District Baby 'N Me class. The babies in his class range in age from 9 to 15 months. Recently, some of the other moms have asked me if I see children and at what age they should start seeing the dentist.

Yes, I do see children in my dental practice. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, babies should start seeing the dentist at 1 year of age. Dental care for babies is all about prevention and informing parents about how to care for their children's teeth. The most important thing to know for babies, in regards to teeth, is that putting a baby to bed with a bottle or breast milk can cause serious tooth decay. So once a baby has teeth, on demand middle of the night feedings and falling asleep with a bottle should be eliminated.

The funny thing is that even though I know middle of the night feedings should be eliminated, it has only been in the last two weeks that I have stopped nursing my son in the middle of the night. So for about two months of my son having teeth, I didn't follow my own dental advice. Fortunately, he isn't showing any signs of tooth decay!

Kari Ann Hong, DDS
1000 Newbury Road, Suite 190
Thousand Oaks, CA 91320

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